Welcome, I am so happy you are here…

Welcome to the H. B. Stories writers blog! One mission I had when deciding to be a self published author was to be as engaged with potential readers as possible before my book was even complete. I believe the more connected readers and authors are the more readers can connect with books those authors write.

The Journey to becoming a self published author is a long one. How fun would it be to have a blog where you can read about all my mistakes and lessons I learned on the road to publishing my debut and every book I plan to publish after that? The world of self publishing is always growing and changing. As indie authors it is our job to grow with it. Hopefully I can create an engaging space to learn and florish no matter who you are or what brought you here.

As someone who works full time, is planning her wedding AND writing her book, life is a lot. My goal is to publish a new post here at least once a month, if not more. But until then I welcome all the new friends who have made their way here and am so excited to share this journey with you all.


H. B.